BGR Analyzes Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Tax on the April 29 Ballot

Today, the Bureau of Governmental Research (BGR) releases a new report, On the Ballot: Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office Tax,...

Orleans Parish Sheriff Susan Hutson wants tax hike to increase deputy pay, renovate jail

Just a few months after the New Orleans City Council rejected Orleans Parish Sheriff Susan Hutson’s request for a...

Watchdog: Power struggles between city, Sheriff’s Office has set back New Orleans jail’s progress

Power struggles between the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office and the city have long stymied progress at the New Orleans...

BGR Seeks Better Governance for New Orleans Jail

NEW ORLEANS — From the Bureau of Governmental Research: BGR has released a report that urges the Orleans Parish...

New Orleans jail operations could use an overhaul

A new report by the Bureau of Governmental Research has has a long list of recommendations to improve the...

The Bureau of Governmental Research releases report on Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office Jail and what they can do to make improvements

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— A new report by The Bureau of Governmental Research is now out and it focuses on...

BGR Finds that Better Governance at the New Orleans Jail Can Support Reforms

Today, the Bureau of Governmental Research (BGR) releases a report to assist local policymakers as they seek to end...