BGR’s 2018 Excellence in Government Awards

October 16, 2017

Do you know creative, dedicated public employees who deserve greater recognition for their accomplishments? Do you know citizens who have worked to significantly improve local government? You can honor such people by nominating them for the BGR 2018 Excellence in Government Awards.

BGR is grateful for the support of this year’s event sponsor, Canal Barge Company, Inc.

Read the press release.

Access the nomination form here.

The Awards
The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes sustained performance over a career in public service. Nominees with a minimum of 15 years of public employment are eligible. BGR will present up to two Lifetime Achievement Awards, with cash awards of $1,000 each.
The Merit Award recognizes outstanding performance by public sector employees. BGR will present up to four Merit Awards, with cash awards of $500 each.
The Innovation Award recognizes employees who have used innovative solutions to address pressing problems. BGR will present up to three Innovation Awards, with cash awards of $1,000 each.
The Citizenship Award recognizes a private citizen who has worked to improve the quality of government. BGR will present one Citizenship Award.

The deadline for nominations is January 16, 2018.